Monday, December 11, 2006

Equal Love

The economics of planning for a family is to have the children relatively within the age range. This will allow the equipment & clothing purchased for the first child be reused for the second or even the third child - at least for most of the items. If both parents are working, external or grandparents help is the way to go about the situation. Other problems will surface as the children's logical & emotional brain start to question the events happening in front of them. One very common situation is the perception by the elder child thinking uneven love is bestowed to the younger brother or sister.

This kind of behavior is very easy to detect on the elder child if the parents pay a bit more attention to the situation. It is not easy to define or to practise equal love unless we are considering something "physical" like buying toys to every child during Christmas. Even talking too much to one child can be perceived as giving too much attention to one and neglecting the other.

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